Seattle Banjo Club Gazette         January  2004


Year End Party

On December 8th the club held their annual potluck dinner, installation of officers, entertainment and jam session.
Outgoing president Bill Barker had the biggest smile he's had all year as he gave a short farewell address, presented  gifts to a few people who had helped him during the year, and received a plaque for his service from incoming president Bessie Evans.
Outgoing vice-president Bessie was installed as president and presented with a traditional "big pick" to carry as she speaks softly to the members. Glady Mayes is the new vice-president. 2003 Secretary Marilyn Hendry and treasurer Cliff Evans will carry on in 2004.
Bessie put together an entertainment program featuring other things than banjos with Glady Mayes on guitar and piano; tap dancing by Tommy Thompson; Rebecca Ferrell on folk harp and the duo of Zane Smith and Glenn Dudley on bass clarinet and National plectrum resonator guitar.
After Zane and Glenn, there was a short jam session featuring our Christmas songs.
In past years this event has closed out the year for the club but this time there were three performances after the party so our practice on Christmas songs was worthwhile.

Please arrive a minimum of fifteen minutes before time to start playing to allow for tuning and setting up!

Save the following dates and times:
February 13th, 2:30-3:30; 19th, 12:00-2:00*
March 6th, 7:00-7:45; 19th, 10:00-11:00 AM;
25th, 2;00-3:00
April 23rd thru 25th, Banjo Festival
May 13th, 2:30-3:30; 20th, 12:00-1:30*
July 1st, 2:00-3:00
August 12 thru 14, FIGA Convention
Sept. 9th, 2:30-3:30, 17th, 10:00-11:00 AM
October 12th, 12:00-1:25*; 29th, 2:30-3:30

*These times include time to eat.

Editor's Corner

If you want to see something on these pages talk to me at practice, call me on (425) 235-7460 or e-mail me at:

Deadlines are the 23rd of the month for material ready to put in and  earlier for material requiring typing. My typing skill is improving but still has a way to go.

Karl May
October 21, 1930 - December 14, 2003

A retired surgeon, Karl played banjo with a well known group of doctors,  "Ain't No Heaven Seven Jazz Band". He joined the Seattle Banjo Club in 1998 and was an active member whenever he wasn't enjoying his cabin near Republic, Washington or busy with family activities.


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