Over 800 people attended!!

The Seattle Banjo Club

Seattle Banjo Festival 2000

Renton, WA
April 8, 2000


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This year's Seattle Banjo Festival was one of the best ever held.  There were over 100 banjo players in attendance as well as the SRO crowd at the Saturday evening performance.  While Charlie Tagawa keep the players "n-sync", a number of visiting players added tremendous skill and talent to the overall atmosphere.
Click on the picture to see it in FULL size. 
Then use your browser's BACK button to return to here.
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Good morning, Teacher!!
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Wading right into the crowd.
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The pupils take Charlie seriously!!  Yeah, right!
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  Doing what comes naturally
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Practice, practice, practice.
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Teacher's Pet.
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No doubt about it!
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Crowd approval
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Looking for a good home...
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Should I, or shouldn't I?
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ooooh, it's so purdy!!
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Charlie makes another $5
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Not just banjos!!

Go to Page 2 
for MORE photos!

Sign:  "Parking for Banjo players only.  Violators will be picked on."

Bill Barker, Bellevue, Washington, USA
Revised 04/11/00    Visitors Hit Counter

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