Mystery Photo

Okay, here it is.

Our second Mystery Photo.
Of course you recognize this fella in the dapper jacket??

If you don't, then you are really weird!

(The answer is located way below the picture. Don't look there until you've seriously studied the picture.)

Thanks for visiting.
-- Photo was identifed, by none other, than my Dad, Bill Barker Sr. I was visiting his house and happened to show him the site. He immediately recognized it. Soooo, I guess that I'll have to find a THIRD mystery photo. Watch for it soon.

Here is THE answer:

The album titled, Eddie Peabody PLAYS. Produced on the DOT label in true stereophonic sound.

As Eddie described his recorded banjo playing, he said, "I belong to the old school, no multiple recording, no gimmicks, no tricks. Just like in person."

This session was done without sheet music. It was spontaneous and a-la-natural.

Maybe they should have called him "one-take Jake". ha!

Posted: 5/30/97

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