Mystery Photo #7

...LE BAN...
and signatures??

Our Seventh Mystery Photo.
They don't come any rarer than this!

You don't know your banjo music, if you don't know what this image was from.


The answer is further down on this page.... don't go there until you make your guess!!!!



Hint Number 1.  sbcbackwords.jpg (62386 bytes)
(click on this image for larger size,
then browser BACK button to return)


Hint Number 2: sbcphoto.jpg (78749 bytes)
(click on this image for larger size,
then browser BACK button to return)


Are you ready???







   Thanks for visiting.




The answer:

The Seattle Banjo Club's First Record Album from 1980 titled Autograph Edition.  (PS.  If you know of where an extra copy is, please drop me a note.   Thanks!)

     sbcfront.jpg (85523 bytes)       sbcback.jpg (58778 bytes)
      Front Cover          Back Cover
          (click on the images for larger size)

Posted: 09/06/99
Visitor:  Hit Counter

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