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Club Photo Album # 14

July 21, 2002

 Click on these pictures to enlarge them.  Some file sizes are fairly large so they may load slowly.

"A huge crowd, and a great reception."  While these pictures don't show it, we had large groups of people (approx 100+) watching and enjoying the music. People stopped to take pictures and even get our autographs! 
Some even moved chairs right into the concourse so that they could sit and listen!
Joanie was a huge hit with her Charleston dancing antics!  We nearly wore her out by repeating Five Foot Two. We played for 2 hours but it seemed much less. It's amazing how much people like the old classics!!
Stadium openings are exciting times.  The Kingdome Grand Opening in 1976 <click here> was a one day affair in which nearly every organization in town took part.   After two Saturdays of rehearsal The Seattle Banjo Club only play one song!  The Seahawk Stadium was a different kind of affair and we played for two hours.  Joanie was a big hit with the crowd.  Nearly everyone walking by when she was dancing stopped to watch and then stayed for a few songs; some stayed for the rest of the set.  We played in the western main concourse next to the Hawks Store and all of the food concession stands.  You could hear us throughout the place.

Trivia Question:  Which two club members are in both pictures? (The Kingdome one and the Seahawk one.)

Updated:  01/08/12
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