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Club Photo Album # 11
The Grand Opening Ceremonies of the Kingdome 1976
I can hear it all now, "OK you guys, When You're Smilin' in the key of C, and let's make it good, somebody up there is watching!"

Standing (all rows), left to right: Vern Higman, Sandy Kendall, Hal French, Harriet Kendall, Trudy Hawley, Gus Wall, Lynn Brown, Dave Brown

Seated, front row, left to right: George Smith, Kevin Johnston, Kim Johnston, Elsie Schweitzer, John Plumlee, Jim Kinney, Tracy Green, John Holmes, Bob Keene

Seated, back row, left to right: Kim Roth, Bob McCoy, Roy Scully, Paul Lund, Jack LaFond, Margaret Cassidy, Don Keefe, Paul Pittenger


Many thanks to Jim Kinney for providing this photo.

Updated:  01/08/12
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